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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
More on H.R. 235
Topic: Legislation
[Important Notice: The Political Devotions Weblog has moved to TenMinuteLobbyist.com.]

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A new alert from Concerned Women for America:
Protect America's Churches!

Can you imagine sitting in church and your pastor preaches on the sanctity of life and the importance of maintaining marriage as one woman and one man and the following week your church is contacted by the IRS and told that it will lose its tax-exempt status and has to close its doors? Unfortunately, this is a possibility and without your help could become a reality for America's churches.

H.R. 235 is legislation sponsored by Representative Walter Jones (R-North Carolina) to end this assault on religious freedom and free speech. His bill would restore free speech to America's churches by clarifying an area of tax law that is currently used to bully churches into silence on political issues. Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code states that churches can not participate in political speech or else their tax-exempt status may be revoked. This law violates our Constitutional right to freedom of speech and freedom of worship. This law gives the IRS an easy lever with which to bully churches that try to put their faith into practice.
The alert includes links and sample messages for the relevant elected officials, plus a link to a sample letter pastors can send to their Representatives.

Posted by Tim at 9:43 AM EDT

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